The Project
Trust Tour tackles the burning issues of the cohesion between inhabitants of the European territory, whether they are natives or migrants. Using theatre techniques and through youth workshops, the project aims at finding ways to rebuild trust across Europe.
Inspired by several experiences led from 2016 to 2019, 4 European artistic partners (from Germany, France, Italy and Portugal) propose to collaborate and design innovative artistic methods that may help any multicultural group to create theatre performances.
In 2021 and 2022, Trust tour will develop a pathway of 4 European workshops in Dortmund, Paris, Evora and Rocca Sinibalda, all of which being steps for the creation of a final theatre performance staging the issues at stake.
Trust Tour will offer an inclusive space of creation and reflection for young people, artists, teachers, youth workers from diverse backgrounds and besides the European public. A space that stimulates creativity to imagine society’s future together. By giving new artistic tools to create “common” and to build new narratives, Trust Tour intends to empower youth living in Europe and through them, to strengthen social cohesion for our future.
The project adopts the “creative commons” approach so anyone may access and use those productions for free. It is supported by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership program for Youth.
4 Exchanges at the origin of Trust Tour
Spring 2017 in Paris and Nanterre, with support from Cité des Sciences, Agora and the OECD. This first exchange aimed to explore alternative narratives of migration and to rebuild trust through artistic practice.
Summer 2017 in Leonessa and Rocca Sinibalda, Italy. This second exchange aimed to offer spaces of expression where Europeans, migrants and refugees may work together and trigger different “stories” on migrations topic, based on the Decameron novel by Boccaccio.
Spring 2018, a week of workshops in Dortmund, Germany. This third exchange aimed to explore common cultural roots in Europe through artistic practice and to create an original performance based on the mythology of Odysseus.
Summer 2019 in Posticciola and Rocca Sinibalda, Italy. This last exchange aimed to explore how to build collaborative relationships and common trust in Europe, while facing the growing challenges of migration, economic insecurity, and Brexit.
The Results
4 methodologies
Trust Tour will evolve the previous exchanges into tools available to all citizens wishing to develop their own projects. These written and video methodologies will provide insights into the use of artistic practice to explore and renew relationships between Europeans from different backgrounds. Each partner will develop one methodology with a specific approach related to its experience: Mediterranean tales, Decameron, documentary pathway and the 3 methodologies in perspective.
4 performances
During 4 workshops organised in each partner country, participants will design a theatre performance based on the methodology, to illustrate the results of a collaboration between young Europeans and migrants. As a result of reflections and exchanges on intra and extra-European migration, emerging artists, students and citizens, together with experienced artists will stage new narratives created by intercultural co-creation.